
Nurse with two students dressed as nurses

We’re pleased to have Nurse Allen here to provide medical care, screen students for illness, teach health maintenance, administer medication, and execute physician-ordered treatment and/or procedures. If she can help you or your children, please do not hesitate to call. See below for some health-related reminders.


Clinic: (804) 723-3582
Sick Line: (804) 723-3583


All medication must be transported to and from school by an adult. Please do not send medication to school with your child. Parents must complete a Permission to Dispense Medication at School form (you can fill this out in the office) and send all medication in its original packaging or pharmacy-labeled bottle. All prescription medication must also include a doctor's written order with dosing requirements.

The only exception to this rule is for students with life-saving Epipens and inhalers. With a physician's written order, students may carry and use their own EpiPens and inhalers as needed. 


Good nutrition and academic success go hand in hand. Please encourage your children to eat before school or in the cafeteria so they are ready to learn. We design our lunch menus to provide both appeal and proper nutrition to students, ensuring they receive all the necessary nutrients associated with good health, clear thinking, and a balanced diet. We also encourage parents to help their children eat healthy, nutritious foods both at school and at home.


Please do not send your children to school with a fever. Not only will they feel miserable, but statistically they are most infectious when they have a fever. We define “fever” as a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher. 

If your child develops a fever during the school day, we will call and ask you to pick up your child. Children must be fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil), before returning to school. 

Health Screenings

We screen kindergarten and third-grade students for vision, hearing, height, and weight. If your child has an abnormal screening, we will send a letter home indicating the need to follow up with your child's doctor.


We require all students enrolled in our schools to be immunized in accordance with state law. We will verify your child’s immunizations at the time of registration. For more information regarding required immunizations, please visit the Virginia Department of Health website

Flu Season

Please read the CDC flu brochure for helpful information about the upcoming flu season.


Please access and print forms on the division Health Services page

The following forms may be picked up from the clinic or requested from the school nurse.

  • Memorandum of Understanding for Private Duty Nurse
  • Release of Medical Information
  • Medically Fragile Health Services Plan
  • Medical Procedure Order Form
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